Web Designing Mock Test 8

Web Designing Mock Test 8

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41. A disabled input field value is sent to the server on form submit.

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CSS cannot control the layout of multiple web pages all at once.

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43. Selector indicates the HTML element you want to style.

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There are for method of implementing styling information to an HTML document.

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Text-align property is used to control the vertical alignment of any block-level text.

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The universal selector is used as wildcard character.

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<UL> tag defines a numbered list.

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Items can be created in definition list with <dt> and <dd> tags

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Alt attribute specifies extra information about clickable area.


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The <iframe> tag creates an inline frame.

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Which shortcut key is used for "Find Next" function in Notepad+?

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Which element is used to get the highlighted text in HTML5?

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Which one performs the same function as <b> tag?

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Which HTML tag is used for YouTube videos?

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Which of the following is not a newly added tag in HTML5?

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Which of the following is not a JavaScript data type?

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W3-striped class is used for

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Which window object method is used to display message in a dialog box?

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How to pick a document element based on the value of its id attribute?

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What are the properties supporting CSS styles for a document element?

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