Web Designing & Publishing Mcq Mock Test 2 September 9, 2024 by Naman Mock Test 2 1 / 20 Is it possible to declare font-weight, font-face & font-size by using only one css property? True False 2 / 20 Can we define the text direction via css property? True False 3 / 20 Web browsers makes request of pages from web servers by using a URL Server Client Medium 4 / 20 In HTML, the unvisited links are specified in color Purple Red Blue Green 5 / 20 In HTML, a specific style for a special element can be defined by the attribute 6 / 20 Element used as a container for other HTML element is known as <div> <span> 7 / 20 An article in HTML5 can be defined through the tag 8 / 20 In a web address, the name of a document or address is defined by the Filename Domain name Port Prefix 9 / 20 The syntax of style attribute of HTML is 10 / 20 The value set by default in the TARGET attribute is _blank _parent _self _top 11 / 20 To program the behavior of web pages, the language is used. HTML CSS XML JavaScript 12 / 20 To create a link to an anchor, you use the __________ property in A tag. Name Tag Link Href 13 / 20 Which of the following is a two sided tag? DT LI DD DL 14 / 20 What is the zooming scale range in Notepad? 100 200 300 Zooming scale option is not available in notepad 15 / 20 If a sentence is flowing out of screen in notepad then which option is not active? Wordwarp Orientation Alignment All of these 16 / 20 In Notepad if the page orientation is in horizontal then they are in A landscape Portrait both None of the above 17 / 20 Which of the following is incorrect for HTML5 markup construct? Start tags: <section> End tags: </section> <img src="Fly.jpeg">Nature<img> None of the above 18 / 20 What type of software is Notepad? Photo editing System Software Text Editor None of the above 19 / 20 HTML is a subset of ______ SGMD SGML SGMH None of the above 20 / 20 Markup languages are not used for which of the following? Playlists Content syndication User interfaces None of the above Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz